POLIXEN Availability Roster Walkthrough.mp4
To create a new Worker Availability, go to the Staff List or Volunteer List page, and click the yellow Availability Roster button. This will take you to the Availability Roster page.
On this page, you can choose to view the availabilities as a table or as a calendar. If you view by calendar, you will need to select a worker before you can see the availabilities. The grayed-out times are when the worker is unavailable.
To create a new availability or unavailability, click the New Entry button. You will be able to select if this is a once-off or weekly availability. You can then fill out the rest of the information - the worker, the dates/times they are available or unavailable, etc.
Once you have filled out all the information, click the Create New Entry button to save the information.
To view, update or remove an existing availability or unavailability, just click the blue Information button next to it on the Availability Roster page. This is only available in the Table view.